Sunday, August 15, 2010

Leah is 6 months old!

Well, actually she was 6 months old on July 22nd...but with the 3rd sometimes things are a little delayed. Our little Leah wins awards for being the easiest baby ever...from 8am until 8pm. For the hours following we have no comment. :-)
One of her favorite things to do is to play on the floor. She is rolling everywhere and crawling...yes crawling. Hasn't mastered the hands and knees yet, but the army crawl is extremely efficient.
I took the following 3 photos while on the dock at our beach house.

This is my cutie playing on the floor at home.

Her little head with ears sticking out just kills me.

Big old blue eyes.

" Hi Mommy!"

"I Love you Mommy!"

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