Monday, March 17, 2008

It's Official...

We have another thumb sucker in the family! (I know what you were thinking...and you've got to be kidding me!) Little Isaac has been doing this for a while, but we took away the paci this weekend (I know, border-line child abuse) and the little guy happily switched over to full-time thumb-sucking. No more middle of the night trips to put that paci back in his mouth! It is the most precious thing to see him do this. He got a new 'nite nite' too over the weekend. He and Grace both had green blankies and it was too confusing, so Isaac now has a blue and black one and he took to it immediately. He is sleeping and napping great and I am also starting to catch-up on four months of sleep deprivation. Phew!

Yes, you are seeing this correctly- we bought Grace an injury device for the backyard. Sid and Grace are making sure that it is in full-bouncing condition. We do have an enclosure net for the perimeter and Sid put that on today.
Grace loves this thing- and after only 30 minutes of bouncing today, she was so tired that she fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. That's what I'm talking about.
This is Grace trying on her new bathing suit...and holding the palm leaf that she got in Sunday school yesterday morning. Great combo. But how cute is my little girl in that suit?

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