Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Eve

Grandma came to visit on Sunday for the week. Both of the rugrats are sick- so things have been a little slow-going, but we have still been having lots of fun.
On Christmas Eve Grace, Isaac and Grandma started the Christmas cookie making process. Isaac was a BIG help making sure the dough tasted good. We figured the hot oven would kill all germs.
Grace rolled out the dough all by herself with little brother as a constant obstacle.Their first batch is ready for the oven. There is enough candy on the tray to cover at least 7 dozen more cookies.Our church had a Children's Xmas Eve Service. Grace was a camel for the nativity scene and played the purple hand bell. Below she is with her good friends RyRy and Kennedy.
Mostly we saw the back of Grace's camel head as she was fascinated by the little girl playing Mary. Grace still doesn't get that Jesus' mother Mary lived a long time ago.

Grace performing-live!

Post church photo.

Yeah! Uncle Ben is here!!!

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